Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Susan Boyle - Divine Inspiration

Susan Boyle – Divine Inspiration
By: Rene Velez April 21st, 2009

I typically shy away from watching American Idol. I admit that although it can be interesting, my basic distaste for the program itself is how contestants are treated. There is something about treating people badly in general that I find very distasteful. Although, I can well imagine the industry itself is ruthless. Perhaps, it’s because I, like many others, have been treated badly. However, more to the point it is because I am a firm believer that everyone has an inner desire to be great. We all have in us a desire to be liked and wanted and to some performing is a medium to acceptance. It is a delicate psychology and we should all learn to nurture our inner desire to perform and not to allow others to tear it down. We all know how brutal Simon, in particular has been on the show. I suppose some of it is an act, but I suggest the contestant's feelings are real.

The Divine Call of a Voice

After reading about Susan Boyle I decided to hear her sing on YouTube. Wow!, would be an understatement. We all are prone to prejudge others by what we see. In essence we are all prejudice, blinded by our own sense of sight. One look at Susan and we do not find her to be the example of glamour we have been taught to expect. But, she is by all accounts a beautiful example of real and divine beauty. She is inspiring as many of us have attested by our fascination with her talent to sing. Her ability is so great and so powerful it dulls our other senses into focused listening to her glowing voice. Every note she sings fills us with energy and humbles us to understand true greatness. I cried all three times I saw her performance. She inspired me to stray from my typical writings and to speak about her tremendous accomplishment.

Win by Never Giving Up

I don’t know Susan Boyle. But I would suggest she is brilliant. The response from the judges, and the audience tells us a great deal about how superficial we are. She, like many of us, was judged on looks only, despite her potential ability. All the judges were stumped at what they heard. They were blown away. Not even a struggle to contest her ability. The audience cheered her like the star she really is. Susan showed a great deal of “Moxy”, right from the start. Yes, she was fearful, but confident in her own abilities. Yet, my perception was that although confident in her ability she was also humble enough to accept defeat and solace in knowing….maybe it’s not all about winning. I think she went on stage and sang the best she could because she owed it to herself. Because she understood what many of us fail to recognize in a lifetime. Don’t give up! Showing up and giving it a go requires a great deal of inner strength, particularly when you know the world is judging you by what they see and not by what you can do. She sang and she illuminated our souls and then, was content to walk off stage into obscurity for the simple fact that she came, she saw, she conquered. I don’t think winning was on her mind at all. She is by all accounts a winner, not just for her absolute singing talent but because she served us determination and grit with the background harmony of humble pie.

Learn To Work From Your Strengths

I don’t know whether she realized it or not but she could not have picked a better song. She had the voice, the capacity, the emotion and sheer talent to bring that song to life. But I also listened to the words. It fit the occasion. She had a dream, and she brought all the pieces to work for her. The song is a story of having vision, of overcoming the odds, despite the challenges, despite the ridicule. Despite the cards life deals us. She played her hand well. It would be fair to say the hand of God delivered her a crowning moment. No matter how long she lives, this day may well be like no other day and she should be proud that she made of it what she dreamed it could be. She made it all work from a position of strength. She made it work for me and for many of you. When earlier I said she was brilliant, I was not referring to the British colloquialism, I was referring to real talent and intellect. Nonetheless in this case, both apply.


I have often made comments of how professionals, politicians, business people and society in general have a certain sense of apathy. In America today, we have a great deal of Apathy about what our country is capable of. As citizens we have a great deal of apathy about the role we play as citizens. We have apathy about reducing the deficit, cutting taxes and being less energy dependent. We can all learn for Susan Boyle! She has a dream! And she is a winner!

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