Friday, November 06, 2009

The Swine In the Vaccine

The Swine in The Vaccine
By: Rene Velez Oct 28th, 2009

I keep hearing in the news that many parents and adults are holding back on getting the swine flu vaccine. In light of all the reported cases of people who have become ill and the fact that people in this country have indeed died from this flu, you would think that the general public would be running to get vaccinated.

As I understand it on an average year only a small percentage of people even get the yearly common flu vaccine. So to some extent it’s understandable that many people in the general population also will likely not get the H1N1 vaccine. But something just doesn’t add up.

Recently, in talking politics with clients and other professionals, I realized that there is a very clear discontent with our government. There is genuine distrust for the leadership of this nation and in how big business seems to be in a better position than the average citizen. People want health care reform but fear what the government will provide and what type damage will follow in the wake of government trying to work its way through the politics of big business. People do not feel our government tells the truth nor that systems designed to protect the public work.

Suddenly, it hit me. People don’t want to take the H1N1 vaccine because the government’s stamp of involvement is on the vaccine! Of course I have no proof of this opinion nor have I heard the media make mention of this. But, somehow it fits into the realm of possibilities. When have we as a nation developed a vaccine, in such short time, for something that has received such wide spread news and that has instilled fear in the general public? When in recent times have we heard anything positive about our government? All we here is how big business gets bailed out while small business get their credit lines closed and reduced.

People fear that this vaccine was probably produced too fast to be safe. Indeed the shortages that persist in some states was caused by the CDC’S miscalculation of how much vaccine could be produced. What’s more stories of parents who recount tales that their children got autism after vaccinations has not help form better public opinion on the vaccination. Ironically, the CDC’s recent efforts to clarify the public’s perception and to encourage people to get vaccinated probably have made the situation worse.

It seems that the swine in the Vaccine is our government!
This is interesting: Swine Flu Conspiracy